East Wenatchee Water District
692 Eastmont Ave
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
509-886-0550 Fax
Contact via E-mail
Open 7:00am - 5:30pm Monday - Thursday :: Closed Fridays

Senior Citizen and Disabled/Low Income Persons Adjustment of Water Service Charges

Please complete the following form to apply to for an adjustment to your water service bill.


First Name
Last Name
Email Address

Mailing Address:

Street Address
Zip Code

Description of Property:

Customer must own the property. Property must be the primary residence of the Customer.

Type of Qualification:

Please choose from amongst the following options.


Any adjustment granted through erroneous information shall be subject to penalty. I swear under the penalties of perjury that all of the foregoing statements are true.

Signature of Claimant


How can we help you?
Do NOT include any sensitive data in this form, such as SSN, Credit Card or Payment information.

This claim is subject to audit by the Department of Revenue.
*** Accounts must be current and remain in good standing to receive this Senior Discount ***

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